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The granddaddy of them all doesn't have to survive for the breed to prosper; if that were true, people would still be driving Edsels. Children's programs are in more places than ever. But only a tiny handful, such as Blue's Clues or the new PBS show Super Why!, make any real attempt to conduct research like Sesame Workshop, not to mention influence the way the world thinks. If we agree that Sesame Street has changed our society, and many others, for the better, if we agree that we still need messages of open mindedness and if we agree that it is still rare to find an educational television show that parents and children can enjoy watching together, then we have to hope that our furry gang will live on to greet the next generation of children. Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?Of course. The more important question now is: can you tell me if Sesame Street will continue to get to us?Dubbel is a style of beer referring to a strong brown ale, with understated bitterness, fairly heavy body, and a pronounced fruitiness and cereal character.
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A central aspect of Wicca particularly in Gardnerian and Alexandrian Wicca, often sensationalised by the media is the traditional practice of working in the also known as skyclad. This practice seemingly derives from a line in Aradia, Charles Lelands supposed record of Italian witchcraft. Many Wiccans believe that performing rituals skyclad allows power to flow from the body in a manner unimpeded by clothes. Some also note that it removes signs of social rank and differentiation and thus encourages unity among the practitioners. Some Wiccans seek legitimacy for the practice by stating that various ancient societies performed their rituals while nude. One of Wiccas best known liturgical texts is The Charge of the Goddess. The most commonly used version used by Wiccans today is the rescension of Doreen Valiente, who developed it from Gardners version. Gardners wording of the original Charge added extracts from the works of Aleister Crowleys work, including The Book of the Law, especially from Ch 1, spoken by Nuit, the Star Goddess thus linking modern Wicca irrevocably to the principles of Thelema. Valiente rewrote Gardners version in verse, keeping the material derived from Aradia, but removing the material from Crowley. Other traditions wear robes with cords tied around the waist or even normal street clothes. In certain traditions, ritualised magic is performed in the form of the Great Rite, whereby a High Priest and High Priestess invoke the God and Goddess to possess them before performing intercourse to raise magical energy for use in spellwork.
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The online and other course materials of distance learning courses are accessible to individuals with disabilities. Distance learning programs that are committed to accessibility assure that course designers understand the program's commitment to accessibility, have access to guidelines and resources; and learn about accessibility in training provided to course designers. DLP Accessibility Indicator 6. Publications and web pages for distance learning course designers include: a a statement of the program's commitment to accessibility, b guidelines/standards regarding accessibility, and c resources. In distance learning programs committed to accessibility, publications and web pages for distance learning instructors include a statement of the distance learning program's commitment to accessibility, guidelines regarding accessibility, and resources; and training for instructors includes accessibility content. DLP Accessibility Indicator 8. Publications and web pages for distance learning instructors include: a a statement of the distance learning program's commitment to accessibility, b guidelines/standards regarding accessibility, and c resources. Distance learning programs committed to accessibility have systems in place to monitor accessibility efforts and make adjustments based on evaluation results. DLP Accessibility Indicator 10. A system is in place to monitor the accessibility of courses and, based on this evaluation, the program takes actions to improve the accessibility of specific courses as well as update information and training given to potential students, current students, course designers and instructors. Explore DO IT Publications, Knowledge Base articles, and websites on this topic at Accommodation Resources: Distance Learning.