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Using functional magnetic resonance imaging fMRI, the researchers measured brain activity in 31 boys and in 31 girls aged 9 to 15 as they performed spelling and writing language tasks. The tasks were delivered in two sensory modalities visual and auditory. When visually presented, the children read certain words without hearing them. Presented in an auditory mode, they heard words aloud but did not see them. Using a complex statistical model, the researchers accounted for differences associated with age, gender, type of linguistic judgment, performance accuracy and the method written or spoken in which words were presented. The researchers found that girls still showed significantly greater activation in language areas of the brain than boys.
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Apart from standardizing the market rates, the periodic hike in circle rates also acts as a disincentive for using cash for property purchase or undisclosed amounts. The state government revises it periodically and it differs among areas. The circle rates for Delhi are divided into eight categories, from A to H. The properties classified under the A category are the citys poshest ones and hence have higher circle rates. Quite recently, the Delhi Government was planning to increase the circle rates for DDA Flats and Group Housing Society Flats by almost 100 percent. Currently, these flats in Delhi have a uniform circle rate applicable of Rs 58000 per sq m.
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Philosophy is the discipline involved with questions of importance to us which we cannot reply through empirical remark. Private expertise, writes Fr. Hogan, previously superior of the Boston Seminary, in his Clerical Research Philadelphia, 1895 1901, has proven that among students whove learned philosophy, particularly Scholastic , solely in Latin, only a few have acquired something greater than a mass of formulae, which they hardly understand; though this doesnt always forestall their adhering to their formulae by thick and skinny. The department prepares college students for life, for graduate examine in philosophy, and for careers in lots of fields. A course in the concept of knowledge, treating the nature, worth and limits of human knowledge. Debra Satz is the Marta Sutton Weeks Professor of Ethics in Society at Stanford University and dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences.
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