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Markers provide a clear justification for their marks in all cases. However, I do feel that it would be best practice for markers to round off their feedback with some feed forward comments about how the student could improve their work in future assessment. This could be as simple as providing a few bullet points at the end of the comments. I noted that for one module the feedback form provided a box for areas for improvement, but the first marker did not routinely fill this in. The Department of International History at the LSE offers the best programme in the UK in modern international history. It combines traditional strengths in diplomatic and military history with newer approaches to studying international history, including the history of ideas and social and cultural history of war. The geographic range is also enormously impressive, although there remains, not surprisingly given its location, an emphasis on British, European, and American history. The range of courses allows students to develop their interests in international history, leading to the dissertation in final year. I would encourage as many students as possible to write a dissertation, as it develops new skills and tests the ability of a student to manage a long term research project. The quality of the exam papers and coursework is remarkably good. Students demonstrate an in depth knowledge of particular issues, a sophisticated understanding of historical debates, and an appreciation of different historiographical approaches.

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But there are several, who are firm believers in the existence of life on other planets. There are strong propagators of the theory that the aliens are coming and have in fact been regular visitors to earth. Combine this with the very commonplace reported occurrences of UFO sightings and alien abduction stories and one cannot help but answer in the affirmative to the question, are aliens for real?Scientifically, there have been several probes in order to shed light on this complex probability. One of the foremost research projects in this area has been the SETI or the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence. This is the name for a number of activities that various people have undertaken in order to search for alien life. They use radio dishes to gather scientific evidence like electromagnetic waves, in order to search for life on other planets.
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5 Winick6 vergelyk die aanwending van voorkomende reg met n motorvoertuig met verskeie meters. Mens hoef nie te wag vir die motor om onklaar te raak voordat die motorwerktuigkundige ingeroep word om dit te herstel nie. Die klint moet toegerus word met die nodige kennis van die rules of legal health, knowledge to enable him to recognize the symptoms of legal trouble and the skill to know what to do when a symptom of legal trouble appears. In beginsel moet die regspraktisyn die klint met die rels vir regsgesondheid toerus om sodoende sy regskwessies ten minste net so goed as sy motor te laat verloop. Voorkomende reg behels dus die advisering van klinte oor die voorkomende maatrels wat hulle moet tref om onnodige litigasie te vermy. 7In hierdie artikel word ondersoek of daar genoegsame geleenthede vir voorkomende geskilbeslegting tydens voogdyskap , sorg en kontakaangeleenthede in Suid Afrika bestaan. Die ondersoek fokus, eerstens, op die verduideliking van die verband tussen terapeutiese regsleer therapeutic jurisprudence en voorkomende geskilbeslegting. Hierna word aandag geskenk aan die rol van skikkings in voorkomende reg, terwyl verskeie voorkomende benaderings ook verduidelik word. Ten einde nie uitsluitlik op die VSA se benadering tot voorkomende reg te fokus nie, word eerder aandag geskenk aan meer tradisionele Afrika benaderings tot voorkomende reg deur verskeie tradisionele metodes wat in die regstelsels van Suid Afrika, Ghana en Kenia aangewend word, te ondersoek. Ten slotte word die voorafgaande bespreking gebruik om verskeie aanbevelings te maak aangaande die aanwending van die beginsels van voorkomende reg op kwessies van voogdyskap , sorg en kontakaangeleenthede in Suid Afrika. Stolle8 omskryf vier voorkomende stappe wat die regspraktisyn en klint moet doen, naamlik i die identifisering van die aangeleenthede waar daar sielkundige kwessies kan ontstaan; ii die bepaling van die regsprosedures wat positiewe terapeutiese gevolge kan h, of wat negatiewe gevolge sal verminder; iii die ontleding van sulke regsprosedures vanuit n regsvoorkomende oogpunt; en iv die daarstel van n sisteem om onverwagte gebeure te kan hanteer sodat nieterapeutiese regsprosedures vermy kan word.
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