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Most of the nonprofit schools we support exist only if parents choose to send their children there. This reality pushes our local partners to prioritize the needs of children and their families, and to get better as quickly as possible. 74 Interview: The City Fund Founders Talk About Their New Campaign to Identify Americas Most Innovative Public School Systems and the First Metro Areas Where Theyll Be InvestingFrom school leaders to nonprofit executives, we have to do more to ensure that local leaders reflect the communities they serve. Were providing direct grants and development opportunities to leaders of color across the country so they are positioned to lead the work in their cities. We also want to lead by example and be guided and informed by the communities we serve. Recognizing that educational inequities disproportionately impact African American and Latino communities, we aim to build an organization where our board and senior staff in large part comprise leaders of these communities. Were not yet where we want to be, but we are committed to this work and believe this will make us smarter and better able to help cities across the country. Were heartened by the fact that families are choosing the schools we support, and that these schools show improvement on measures of student achievement like state assessments. But the goal of public education is not to increase test scores. The goal, in large part, is to help students be prepared to lead meaningful, secure and successful lives. We and our partner cities are not yet on track to deliver on this promise for all children.

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2All notifications or communications from the Secretariat and the arbitral tribunal shall be made to the last address of the party or its representative for whom the same are intended, as notified either by the party in question or by the other party. Such notification or communication may be made by delivery against receipt, registered post, courier, email, or any other means of telecommunication that provides a record of the sending thereof. 3A notification or communication shall be deemed to have been made on the day it was received by the party itself or by its representative, or would have been received if made in accordance with Article 32. 4Periods of time specified in or fixed under the Rules shall start to run on the day following the date a notification or communication is deemed to have been made in accordance with Article 33. When the day next following such date is an official holiday, or a non business day in the country where the notification or communication is deemed to have been made, the period of time shall commence on the first following business day. Official holidays and non business days are included in the calculation of the period of time. If the last day of the relevant period of time granted is an official holiday or a non business day in the country where the notification or communication is deemed to have been made, the period of time shall expire at the end of the first following business day. 1A party wishing to have recourse to arbitration under the Rules shall submit its Request for Arbitration the Request to the Secretariat at any of the offices specified in the Internal Rules. The Secretariat shall notify the claimant and respondent of the receipt of the Request and the date of such receipt. 2The date on which the Request is received by the Secretariat shall, for all purposes, be deemed to be the date of the commencement of the arbitration. 3The Request shall contain the following information:a the name in full, description, address and other contact details of each of the parties;b the name in full, address and other contact details of any persons representing the claimant in the arbitration;c a description of the nature and circumstances of the dispute giving rise to the claims and of the basis upon which the claims are made;d a statement of the relief sought, together with the amounts of any quantified claims and, to the extent possible, an estimate of the monetary value of any other claims;e any relevant agreements and, in particular, the arbitration agreements;f where claims are made under more than one arbitration agreement, an indication of the arbitration agreement under which each claim is made;g all relevant particulars and any observations or proposals concerning the number of arbitrators and their choice in accordance with the provisions of Articles 12 and 13, and any nomination of an arbitrator required thereby; andh all relevant particulars and any observations or proposals as to the place of the arbitration, the applicable rules of law and the language of the arbitration.

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b. Quarterly business meetings shall be held on the second Sunday as feasible in February, May, August and November. The November meeting shall be designated the Annual Business Meeting, at which the budget for the following fiscal year shall be presented by the deacons to the church membership for approval and at which the officers for the ensuing year shall be elected. c. Special business meetings for the business that cannot wait for a regular business meeting may be called by the pastor or the deacons. All such meetings shall be publicly announced from the pulpit on the Sunday preceding. d. Only active members who have attained the age of eighteen years or who are married shall be entitled to the right to speak or vote at any regular, special, or annual business meeting of the church. e. Unless otherwise specified in this constitution, Roberts Rule of Order shall be the parliamentary guide in all matters of business. f.

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