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During hot spells, it can be a way of exercising animals thats less likely to lead to overheating: every year, dogs collapse during walks on sunny days from hyperthermia; swimming in cold water avoids this risk. Dog owners are being warned today about a dangerous poison thats become more common in ponds and lakes across the UK after the recent hot spell: blue green algae. Dogs are at risk when they drink or swim in water where theres been an algal bloom, typically seen in stagnant pools of water after warm, calm weather. These blooms are often concentrated on the windward side of ponds, lakes or reservoirs, so its well worth checking these areas out for visible signs of green or blue slime or scum before allowing a pet access to the water. If theres a known problem, local authorities often erect warning signs, but you cant depend on being warned in this way: a new algal growth can appear in a clean body of water at any time. Theres a range of different types of algal blooms, each producing a different type of poison. There are three main types of toxins: one causes liver failure, and the other two are neurotoxins. Pets are affected after ingesting the algae, either by drinking affected water, or by grooming themselves after being immersed. Signs of poisoning happen very rapidly, within minutes or hours of exposure, and emergency veterinary treatment is needed. If the liver toxin has been eaten, a dog becomes dull and weak, often with vomiting and diarrhoea. This is followed by collapse, and then death from massive liver failure.

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Educators say that some students and their parents have dropped out of touch with schools completely unavailable by phone, email or any other form of communication as families struggle with the broader economic and health effects of the coronavirus outbreak. Even before the outbreak, chronic absenteeism was a problem in many schools, especially those with a lot of low income students. Many obstacles can prevent children who live in poverty from making it to class: a parents broken down car or a teenagers need to babysit siblings, for example. But online learning presents new obstacles, particularly with uneven levels of technology and adult supervision. Titilayo Aluko, 18, a junior at Landmark High School in Manhattan, is one of the students trying hard to keep up with her classes who has been thwarted by her lack of access to technology. She has a district issued laptop, but no Wi Fi network in her Bronx apartment since her family had trouble paying the monthly bill.