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Behavioral studies have confirmed that people are slower to shift attention away from words with emotional significance e. g. , Stormark, Nordby, and Hugdahl, 1995, supporting the notion that emotional factors may have an important influence on the deployment and operation of attention. How emotional factors modulate activity in brain regions involved in attention is thus an important question. To address this issue, in the present investigation, we examined the impact of emotional salience on activity in neural systems of attention by examining the influence of emotional and non emotional distractors on brain activation. One viewpoint regarding the relationship between emotion and cognition holds that reciprocal brain regions are involved in emotional versus cognitive tasks. For example, Drevets and Raichle 1998 found, across a wide range of PET studies, that a constellation of regions, including the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex DLPFC and the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex ACC, was consistently more active during cognitive tasks but was less active during tasks with an emotional component. A complementary constellation of regions, including the orbitofrontal cortex OFC, the ventral ACC, and the amygdala, was more active for emotional tasks and less active for non emotional tasks. The authors interpreted these findings as supporting a reciprocity, or tradeoff, between cognition and emotion, such that as activity increases in cognitive regions, it decreases in emotional regions and vice versa. Although the reciprocity conception of cognition and emotion may be a useful heuristic for conceptualizing some functions or neural systems, other systems may be less easily classified as cognitive or emotional, because they sub serve functions that are crucial to both cognition and emotion e. g.
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1The parties may agree to shorten the various time limits set out in the Rules. Any such agreement entered into subsequent to the constitution of an arbitral tribunal shall become effective only upon the approval of the arbitral tribunal. 2The Court, on its own initiative, may extend any time limit which has been modified pursuant to Article 391 if it decides that it is necessary to do so in order that the arbitral tribunal and the Court may fulfil their responsibilities in accordance with the Rules. A party which proceeds with the arbitration without raising its objection to a failure to comply with any provision of the Rules, or of any other rules applicable to the proceedings, any direction given by the arbitral tribunal, or any requirement under the arbitration agreement relating to the constitution of the arbitral tribunal or the conduct of the proceedings, shall be deemed to have waived its right to object. The arbitrators, any person appointed by the arbitral tribunal, the emergency arbitrator, the Court and its members, the ICC and its employees, and the ICC National Committees and Groups and their employees and representatives shall not be liable to any person for any act or omission in connection with the arbitration, except to the extent such limitation of liability is prohibited by applicable law. In all matters not expressly provided for in the Rules, the Court and the arbitral tribunal shall act in the spirit of the Rules and shall make every effort to make sure that the award is enforceable at law.
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But on closer examination, the results are not actually so different. The benefit in the earlier field trip study was concentrated in students who lacked previous cultural experiences, specifically younger, rural, minority, and low income students as well as those who had not previously been to the art museum. More advantaged students showed no significant benefit in the art museum study in terms of their interest in future museum consumption. The subjects in the TheatreSquared study are similar to the more advantaged students in the art museum study. They are older, on average in 9th grade, and many were in drama or AP English classes particularly for Hamlet, since that play is often read for AP English. These students already had a fairly high prior exposure to live theater, so it is possible that the marginal benefit of this one experience on interest in theater consumption is not strong enough to be detectable. Several groups had to cancel their attendance of A Christmas Carol because their schools were closed by snowstorms on the days of the performances. In the results presented above, we have treated school closures caused by weather as random events and reassigned those schools that did not see the play to the control group. An alternative way to handle these missed performances is to leave those students in the treatment group, but to adjust the results for the fact that not all treatment group students actually attended the play as intended. Doing so produces basically the same estimated effects, with the exception that the effect of live theater on tolerance falls short of being statistically significant. We provide these results and a more detailed explanation for why they are not our preferred analysis in the methodological appendix available here.