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and Thomas, B. 1994, p. 33 55, Choice and Demand in Tourism, London: Mansell Publishing Ltd. World Tourism Organisation 1991. Available at: /facts/menu. html. Last accessed 17th September, 2009. World Tourism Organisation 2009. Available at: /facts/menu.

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5" x 4. 5" x 2" x 2. 5"; conceived by James and Jo Lott, founders of The Paper Trading Company; handmade of recyclable synthetic paper, folds when not in use. Collection of Christina Risatti. Do the inexpensive objects of convenience that characterize consumer culture undermine the values and sentiments long inherent in social etiquette?1. Sayaka Suzuki b. 1977; 2008; handmade using pte de verre glass casting technique to enshrine traditional crocheted and embroidered place mats as a comment on passing social etiquettes as well as an attempt to speak for animal rights. left to rightThe Hunted 20" x 14" x 1"; Trophy 11" 11" x 1"; Dream of the Open Fields 12" x 18" x 1"; The Short Chain 14" x 14"x 1". Lent courtesy of the artist. 2. Adelina Simeone 18981986; c.

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"Wind turbines produce electricity only when wind speeds are inthe right range," Schleede said. "Turbines typically startproducing electricity at about six miles per hour, reach ratedcapacity at about 32 miles per hour, and cut out at about 56 milesper hour. " Electricity from wind turbines is therefore inherentlyintermittent, he added. Your morning briefing with the top stories from the Ithaca Times. Includes: news, opinion, arts, sports and weather. Weekday morningsEric Rosenbloom runs the National Wind Watch activist group andthe Alternative World Energy Outlook, not to be confused with theAmerican Wind Energy Association. The AWEA is the primaryprofessional paid lobbyist for the wind power business with a solefunction of promoting the wind power business. In a September 2006 report from the AWEO Web site, Rosenbloomargued that winds must be blowing at a minimum of 30 miles per hourin order for wind mills to attain a capacity at which they cangenerate seamless, sustained electricity. Wind speed is highly eclectic, and wind at any speed is sporadicand unpredictable. Rancich said the wind on his property can reachspeeds of 14 miles per hour. But because of the intermittency and variability of the wind,conventional power plants must be kept running at full capacity tomeet the actual demand for electricity, he added.

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1; 2006 203, s. 43. 1. To realize the statutory intent of the endowment fund, theboard of trustees of the endowment fund may transfer interest or principal ofthe endowment fund to the useful possession of the constituent institution;provided that, the transfer would not violate any condition or restrictionimposed by the original donor of the property which is the subject of theproposed transfer. 1244, s. 1; 1977, c.

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