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She is currently working as a researcher for the State of California and her professional interests include survey research, well being in the workplace, and compassion. Amazing article!Ive indulged myself to truly get the most out of this piece for the last two days, and it has helped me a lot with analyzing myself and determining how I can improve my emotion regulation skills better. Thank you so much!Hi Courtney: the tools are really useful. May I have some questions to you about you doing research?I am working in Atlanta, GAThe What Zone Am I In picture you posted comes from a curriculum called The Zones of Regulation by Leah Kuypers, MSOT. It is an amazing curriculum and helps kiddos develop self regulation strategies and perspective taking skills. It is a very good article I d like to use it as a resource for part of a group curriculum I am developing on Healthy Relationships. However , I cannot download the worksheets unless i join Positive Psychology. This isnt an option at this time. The bes article on emotional regulation Ive found so far. I want to conduct research to regulation emotions or check the emotion at the door so that students can learn better with better results. Do you know what research has been done in this area?The Intrapersonal Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, or IERQ, as discussed above should be identified as the Interpersonal Emotion Regulation Questionnaire.
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3 below. i Consideration for the awarding of promotion to Associate Professor shall be based on the following criteria assessed over the candidates career achievements to date:1 Academic and Professional Credentials possession of the normal credentials as defined for the position of Assistant Professor; usually an earned PhD or equivalent or the degree that is determined as the terminal degree for the discipline, and any additional credentials required for the specific position that were stated in the letter of appointment. 2 Teaching Effectiveness a strong record of successful and effective performance as a university teacher at all levels including advising and supervision of undergraduate and graduate students as appropriate for the candidate and their academic unit. 3 Research, Scholarly and/or Creative Work a strong and sustained record of research, scholarship, and/or creative achievement as defined by standards developed by the candidates units which shall include unit specific expectations around published work assessed by peer review, applications for or awards of external research funding as appropriate to each units disciplines, and other forms of scholarly productivity. 4 Service to the University an appropriate record of service to Carleton University and other institutions where appropriate, such as administrative and committee duties and other professional activities which contribute to the operations of the University. It is expected that assigned service pre tenure shall be below the average service levels of faculty members in the same unit. 5 Where there is a significant record of service to society relevant to the employees disciplinary expertise such as consultancies or collaborations with governments, international development agencies, communities, or the private sector or participation in scholarly and professional organizations and other activities, which further the Universitys mission of service to society, this shall be recognized. ii The application of the above criteria will be assessed within the context of Unit Approved Standards developed in accordance with Article 10. 3 below. Scholarship and significant contributions to ones professional field would be of paramount importance; teaching and other activities would receive less weight. 1 Teaching Effectiveness a sustained record of successful and effective performance as a university teacher at all levels including advising and supervision of undergraduate and graduate students as appropriate for the candidate and their academic unit.
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Itis unlikelythat a disaster on the scale of recent disasters in Italyor Japan could occur in California; California has learnt from its pastdisasters, and most buildings are designed to withstand majorquakes. Nevertheless, Californians are worried. When will the next big quakestrike the state, and where will all the shaking and crumbling androcking begin?Nobody knows for sure, but at all times California is on thealert. The earth is permanently monitoredwith high tech seismographssituated in universities and government research stations; they areconstantly watched by highly trained employees and volunteers from theCalifornia Office of Emergency Services; and students in every schoolreceive trainingin what to do in the event of an earthquake. Working at Menlo Park, near Stanford University, in the middleof "Earthquake Country", scientists from the United States GeologicalSurvey are always monitoring and studying fault systems, and trying topredict where earthquakes are going to take place next. Back in 1988, a team of USGS scientists completed a ten yearsurvey on "earthquake possibilities", and came up with the conclusionthat there's going to be a lot of shaking in the years ahead. Inparticular, they predicted a 50% possibility of an exceptionally bigquake of 8. 3 sometime before 2018, somewhere along the San Andreas orHayward faults. In the two centuries from 1812 to 2012 , California hassuffered dozens of earthquakes. The last seriously damaging earthquakewas the 1994 quake in the Los Angeles area, that registered 6. 7 on theRichter scale, and did up to $40 billion worth of damage.
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Risse Kappen ed. 1995, Bringing Transnational Relations Back In. Non State Actors, Domestic Structures and International Institutions, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. C. Rootes ed. 1999, Environmental Movements. Local, National and Global, London: Frank Cass. A. Thomas, S. Carr and D. Humphreys eds.