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By Laurent Rolleri | 05. 01. 2014 11:41 Im a great enthusiast of kits that represent French tanks from WWII to nowadays. After building the Somua S35 and the AMZ 30, I devoted my attention to a kit that had been waiting in my stash since time ago, the FCM36 from Azimt Productions. By Marcos Cruz | 05. 01. 2015 10:50 DANA means Delo Automobiln Nabjen Automaticky, in other words: self propelled auto loading gun. , an innovator concept The DANA was one of the first truck or wheeled large calibre artillery pieces when it was designed in the 1970s by ZTS Bubnica nad Vahom. Based on a Tatra 8x8 truck the vehicle was, and is, quite advanced with a 152mm gun. By Eduardo Andreoli | 01. 16.

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1. 53Samewerkingsreg collaborative law waar die doel is om die partye by te staan om n ooreenkoms te bereik, speel hier n belangrike rol. Samewerkingsreg is n multi professional approach to resolving disputes and reaching agreements . t is neither mediation nor a case conference but a civilised, procedurally non adversarial, negotiation based approach to the practice of law, waar alle partye op n probleemoplossende wyse saamwerk, terwyl die benadering multidissiplinr van aard is. 54 De Jong55 spesifiseer dat samewerkingspraktyk collaborative practice die mees gevorderde vorm van alternatiewe geskilbeslegting in die wreld is. Partye wat deelneem aan samewerkingspraktyk, kom ooreen om konstruktief en respekvol saam te werk om n saak te skik en om nie te litigeer terwyl hulle probeer skik nie.
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She hopes her students would read them and see the power of one person speaking up about injustice and enlisting others to create lasting change. The conversation ran two and a half hours, covering the Black Lives Matter movement and running into their math lesson. But for Palmer, that was OK. From a teacher standpoint, the goal is not to teach and say this is how you have to do it, but show this is one way to do something, she said. If I could teach the kids nothing else from this moment, thats what I want. As a white educator teaching mostly students of color, Palmer was glad her students asked her to talk through the violence they were seeing, particularly during remote learning. But she said the fact that theyve been meeting virtually for several months made the conversations less awkward than they might have been. I dont know if we could have had that dialogue if we werent seeing each others faces, live over Google, every day for the past weeks, she said. I feel some may be less likely to say something online moving forward than if we were meeting in person, but I want to keep the dialogue open to see what happens. For Sabrina Anfossi Kareem, one on one conversations with her students at a Chicago charter school are happening through email, a platform called Remind, and over the phone. But the high school English teacher began that relationship building in person months ago in the classroom.
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It apparently bases its leaning claims on student mastery of prodigious lists of vocabulary pairs and indeed, suggests to the students that it is appropriate that they set such goals for themselves. Lozanov states categorically, the main aims of teaching is not memorization, but the understanding and creative solution of problem. As learners goals he cited increased access an understanding and creative solution of problem. However, because students and teachers place a high value on vocabulary recall, memorization of vocabulary pairs continues to be seen as an important goal to the suggestopedia method. A suggestopedia course last thirty days and consist of ten units of study. Classes are held four hours a day, six days a week. The central focus of each unit is a dialogue consisting of 1,200 words or so, with an accompanying vocabulary list and grammatical commentary. The dialogues are graded by lexicon and grammar. There is a pattern of work within each unit and a pattern of work for the whole course. Unit study is organized around three days: day 1 half a day, day 2 full day, day 3 half a day. One of the first day of work on a new unit the teacher discusses the general content not structure of the unit dialogue.